@article{oai:ushimane.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000003, author = {KADO, Yoku and 角, 能 and 高橋, 幸裕 and 林, 和秀}, journal = {総合政策論叢}, month = {Nov}, note = {論文, This paper analyzes how executive of care managers manage for users, employees, other companies and administrative agencies. And how to manage relations between care services during infection and building hypothesis are searched. During infection, risk by caring activities is risen and medical management is more strongly required. On one hand, livelihood support is also needed. The results are as followed. Anxiety for care managers and care professions because of shortage of medical knowledges are suggested. In addition, limitation on forming cooperative network for person concerned as care managers and care professions are also suggested. So necessity for administrative agencies to form such network is insisted. During the covid-19 pandemic, support by non specialist as friends, neighborhood and kin, and specialist that care business affairs are limited into their special realm as nurses are constrained, so the burdens for care managers as livelihood support is likely to increasing. The fuzziness of livelihood support is likely to bring these burdens. So , not only to consider of expertness but also limitations of them of care manager is required.}, pages = {63--86}, title = {コロナ禍でのケアマネジャーの事業管理に関する考察 : 感染症下でのケアの調整}, volume = {46}, year = {2023}, yomi = {カド, ヨク and タカハシ, ユキヒロ and ハヤシ, カズヒデ} }