@article{oai:ushimane.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001760, author = {高橋, 孝治 and TAKAHASHI, Koji}, journal = {北東アジア研究, Shimane journal of North East Asian research : North East Asian region}, month = {Mar}, note = {論文, In China, HANZU and minorities have no customs like the Limitation System. However, the Chinese Criminal Law has the Limitation System and there is also provision that consideration of ethnic minority customs is taken into consideration. With this, it means that HANZU's customs who do not like the Limitation System are not taken into consideration. This paper considers why Limitation System and Take Into Account Minorities Rules coexist in China.}, pages = {151--167}, title = {中国における公訴時効(訴追時効)制度と少数民族配慮規定に関する考察}, volume = {29}, year = {2018}, yomi = {タカハシ, コウジ} }